On Sunday it was also time for the basenjis to enter the ring. I had entered Tao and Dio. This was the last time for Tao in the puppy class. It was a bit bitter sweet as I have loved showing him as a puppy but I'm also excited about taking him out to compete "for real". Only two puppies were entered and guess who the other was? Yep, Tao's sister Mimmi of course :)
Tao behaved so well and this time did not try to jump and catch the hem of my dress or shirt :) He received the Honour Prize and judges comment was "I really like him"! Sister Mimmi also showed herself beautifully and received the HP. In the BOB-puppy competition Mimmi finally won and Tao was BOS-puppy, as always before :D
Tao's critique was amazing: "Middle tall. Strong proportions. Scissors bite. Excellent head proportions. Typical expression. Long neck. Level back. Well set and carried tail. Typical angulations. Excellent movement. Very promising young male. I'm sure he'll have a great show career. Excellent presentation.". Doesn't get much better than that, right?? Judge was Gyorgy Tesics from Hungary.
Next Sunday Tao turns 9 months and he will celebrating his birthday by entering the ring first time as a junior at Porvoo all breeds show!
I just love Tao's head!
And rest of him is not bad either ;)
Dio was of course competing in the champion class. He was a good boy too and received Excellent with CQ and was third in the class. He wasn't placed in the Best male competition this time. CQ alone was a great victory as the judge didn't give out too many of those (only three CQ's in bitches!!).
All pictures (c) Pauliina Ylitörmä
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